My thoughts and advice for doing a PhD.
In this section I aim to share my thoughts in relation to doing a PhD, in order to create a pool of ideas that could be used by those who are in the early stages or considering to start their doctoral studies. Rather than offering technical support, which is widely available, I wish to share my own experience, and reflections of doing my own PhD here, that I believe will provide a greater opportunity who are in similar conditions can better benefit from. The main themes covered in this section include;
What kind of support available for improving English language skills while doing a PhD?
Do I need to know philosophy ?
Should I read a lot ?
What do I need to know regarding supervisors ?
Do I need to participate in academic conferences ?
Should I published in high level journals during my PhD ?
What is the expectation of the first year of the PhD ?
What is the expectation of the second year of the PhD ?
What is the expectation of the third year of the PhD ?
Is there a specific time period to finish a PhD ?
What happens if I cannot finish the PhD in three years ?
Is doing a PhD very stressful ?
How to cope with stress in doing a PhD ?
What is the best way to work on the PhD ?
Will I fiend friends during the PhD ?
Will I definitely get a job on completion of the PhD ?
What is the most important trait for a PhD scholar ?
Does discussion of subject matter help or distract progress of the PhD?
To what extent does philosophy matter in passing the PhD ?
How does the external examiner is chosen for the PhD viva ?
How does the internal examiner is chosen for the PhD viva ?
What if my supervisor leaves during the course of the PhD ?
What happens at the PhD viva ?
How to face a PhD viva ?
When will I know if I have passed the PhD ?
Do I need publications to successfully face/pass the PhD viva ?
Should I apply for jobs before the completion of the PhD ?
What kind of academic jobs are available for those who complete PhDs ?
How long does it take to complete a PhD ?
Can I work and earn while doing the PhD ?
How to prepare yourself to apply for a PhD scholarship ?
What happens after I apply for a PhD scholarship ?
How did I prepare myself for applying for PhD scholarship ?