My Job
NB. The structure of the job outlined below is expected to change with effect from January, 2019. I now have been offered a teaching and research contract, something I always liked. Expect more information about that in future.
Presently, I work as an assistant professor at the Department of Business Management, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, UK. I teach the following subjects presently:
Diversity management - (UG honours)
Managing Diversity in Business - (PG)
Human Resource Management - (PG)
Human Behaviour in the Workplace - (Graduate Apprentice Programme - 2nd Year)
Besides the above main subjects, I deliver selected lectures in the following subjects:
Changing Trends in Employment
Critical Approaches to Management
Enterprise and its Business Environment
Apart from the teaching duties, I also hold the following administrative roles within the department;
Director of Undergraduate Taught Programmes - DUTP
Director of BBA Programme
Director of Approved Learning Partners (ALPs)
First Year Coordinator
My Teaching Philosophy
My research-led teaching philosophy underpins my belief that each individual (student) is unique, different and will contribute in some useful way to make a positive difference in the world: every individual holds the ability to reach their potential with the right approach of teaching, coaching and mentoring in terms of achieving their ultimate life concerns while contributing to making our society a better place. Based on a combination of critical realist and feminist schools of thought, that also inform my research, I aspire to recognise and celebrate difference and to ensure inclusion within the classroom. Based on the seminal work of the realist philosophers such as Margaret Archer and Roy Bhaskar, and drawing from feminist theory, I aim to equip students to discover the power of reflexivity (internal conversations), in crafting an individual’s life journey through the world, by mediating structural and cultural constraints and enablements in accomplishing a life of one’s own. My approach to teaching is also strongly linked with research that I undertake as well as sophisticated research other do, including the research conducted by my teaching team.
Through the subjects I teach, for example, diversity management, human behaviour in the workplace and human resource management, I aim to generate understanding of the value of difference and inclusion and offer an opportunity to practically experience these values through group work among students. I believe the practice of teaching needs critical reflection and consider myself as a reflective practitioner of scholarship, through which I aspire to make my approach to teaching more creative, imaginative and innovative. I aim to generate critical thinking among students, by introducing critical reading and critical analysis reflected through critical writing at appropriate levels of UG and PG. This way I aspire to develop future managers and leaders who will be equipped to take on leading roles in occupational and social contexts that are becoming increasingly diverse.
I make use of several teaching techniques to ensure inclusion and to generate creativity. I record my lectures and make them available to students (using lecture capture on vision collaborate or in the pre-recorded format) to ensure those students with additional support are not excluded. I also have played a significant leading role in developing curriculum for the human behaviour in the workplace subject offered in year 2 level for GA programme, adding a creative dimension. I have introduced, (first to do so in the GA programme), creative presentations and reflective diaries, particularly in my graduate apprentice teaching ensuring that the students identify the potential of creativity, moving away from traditional teaching practices. Both these assessment techniques allow inclusion through a significant degree of flexibility for all students with a multitude of difference.
I ensure the content of my delivery is research informed and up-to-date. I actively engage in doing research that relates and reflects the disciplines I engage in teaching. This way, I manage to acquire new knowledge that ads to scholarship and compliments my delivery with relevant and leading journal publications. By engaging with the publishers of core-text books, I involve in reviewing inspection copies which allow me to keep the general teaching delivery is in par with leading authors and industry trends. I consider what it means to be a scholar as someone who acquires knowledge through research. I aspire to discover novel, relevant, and current subject matter by engaging in on-going research, which I integrate and apply in my teaching. I also endeavour to incorporate student feedback in improving the delivery of teaching. My teaching philosophy that I outlined above provides me a framework that offers a range of opportunities to exploit in enhancing the practice of teaching and scholarship.